ScalefusionKiosk Lockdown & MDM Agent


Download ScalefusionKiosk Lockdown & MDM Agent for PC/Laptop/Windows 7,8,10.

Wij voorzien ScalefusionKiosk Lockdown & MDM Agent 6.3.0 APK bestand voor Android 4.0.3+ en omhoog.
ScalefusionKiosk Lockdown & MDM Agent is a free Business app.
Het is gemakkelijk te downloaden en te installeren op uw mobiele telefoon.
Please be aware that We only share the original and free pure apk installer for ScalefusionKiosk Lockdown & MDM Agent 6.3.0 APK zonder enige aanpassingen.

De gemiddelde beoordeling is 4.20 uit 5 sterren in de playstore.
If you want to know more about ScalefusionKiosk Lockdown & MDM Agent then you may visit ProMobi Technologies support center for more information

Alle apps & games hier zijn alleen voor thuis of persoonlijk gebruik. Als een apk-download inbreuk maakt op uw auteursrecht,
Gelieve ons te contacteren. ScalefusionKiosk Lockdown & MDM Agent is the property and trademark from the developer ProMobi Technologies.

MobiLock Pro turns your Android Phones or Tablets into Kiosk and gives you control over which apps are allowed to be used. Increase Productivity and Reduce Costs!

Update 1: Works with Lollipop devices too.
Update 2: Supports Rooted Devices now for greater control (Contact Support for further assistance).

Houd er rekening mee dat, some extra permissions are used for Rooted devices only and it won\’t be granted to MobiLock Pro if installed normally from Play Store.

You can use the 1 month free trial to test out the features of MobiLock Pro.

MobiLock Pro Functies:

Create a secure area for your Android mobiles and tablets
Authorise only specific apps on devices deemed right for your business
Comes bundled with MobiLock Browser which you completely control
Whitelist URL\’s and create browser short-cuts
Block access to unnecessary apps, such as games, installing apps, system settings or access to browser
Create personalised custom branding once and deploy it on all devices
Locate and track all your devices in real-time. Remote alarm functionality now added
Remotely Lock or Unlock devices
Remotely Wipe images and videos
Do all of the above from a remote cloud-based admin dashboard at

Areas of use:

Tablets and smartphones for field force
Tablets at school/university
Retails/Entertainment/Hospital/enterprise kiosk solutions
School/University Kiosk solutions
Digital Signages
Custom solutions (Please reach us at [e-mail beschermd])

If you find any issue or bug with the app, please let us know we\’ll ensure that it gets fixed.

Steun: [e-mail beschermd]
Sales: [e-mail beschermd]

Versie: 6.3.0

Bestandsgrootte: 13.07MB

Vereist: Android 4.0.3+


Ontwikkelaar: ProMobi Technologies

Bijgewerkt: juli- 16, 2019

Prijs: Vrij

Tarief 4.20 sterren – gebaseerd op 599 beoordelingen

To Download ScalefusionKiosk Lockdown & MDM Agent For PC,gebruikers moeten een Android-emulator zoals MuMu-speler installeren. Met MuMu-speler,you can Download ScalefusionKiosk Lockdown & MDM Agent for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 en laptop.

How to Play ScalefusionKiosk Lockdown & MDM Agent on PC,laptop,ramen

1.Download en installeer MuMu Player Android Emulator.Klik op "Mumu Player downloaden" downloaden.

2.Voer MuMu Player Android Emulator uit en log in op Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search ScalefusionKiosk Lockdown & MDM Agent and Download,

Of importeer het apk-bestand van uw pc in Mumu Player om het te installeren.

4.Install ScalefusionKiosk Lockdown & MDM Agent for PC.Now you can play ScalefusionKiosk Lockdown & MDM Agent on PC.Have fun!