Etichetta: rural

Regni & Lords

Regni & Lords

In Kingdoms & Lords, the peace and quiet of your rural village are shattered by the threat of Barbarian forces. With war upon your region, you must build up your village and train your militia. Ma, things take a turn for the worst: the Dark King has returned to power, invading every territory across the ...


La mia dolce fattoria

La mia dolce fattoria

Caro piccolo, from today onLet\'s be a happy little farmerFishing, piantare colture, e anche prendersi cura di tutti i simpatici animali. Guarda la bellissima distesa di terra verde, you can\'t help loving it with just a glimpse. E hai un sacco di cose interessanti da fare qui, sort out the goods in the warehouse, shear the ...