

QReader scans any QR code and lets you interact with its content, by opening a link in your browser of choice, or importing a new contact into your phone.
The intuitive and clean graphics make day-to-day use easier, giving you the opportunity to focus only on the content you want, without distractions.
Principales caractéristiques
What makes QReader really unique, is that it works in the \cloud\”: logging in with your Google account, or with our account, every scanned code synchronizes informations across all of your devices.
This way your data will always be available, on a new phone, or after a reset.
Achat intégré
The app has an optional in-app purchase that permanently removes all ads, and supports the developer.
The ads removal is linked to the Google account used to make the purchase.
Why do we ask the permissions to…?
– Caméra: The camera is the key element of the whole process, as it is used to locate and scan the code.
Press the scan icon, point your camera and read the content of any code!

To Download QReader For PC,les utilisateurs doivent installer un émulateur Android comme le lecteur MuMu. Avec le lecteur MuMu,you can Download QReader for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 et ordinateur portable.

How to Play QReader on PC,Portable,les fenêtres

1.Téléchargez et installez l'émulateur Android MuMu Player.Cliquez "Télécharger Mumu Player" Télécharger.

2.Exécutez l'émulateur Android MuMu Player et connectez-vous au Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search QReader and Download,

Ou Importez le fichier apk de votre PC dans Mumu Player pour l'installer.

4.Install QReader for PC.Now you can play QReader on PC.Have fun!