Nuts!: The Battle of the Bulge


Nuts!: The Battle of the Bulge is a Decision Games card game that recreates the famous World War Two battle (16-31 Déc 1944) in which the German Army mounted a surprise attack on the thin U.S. forces deployed in the Ardennes region hoping to breakthrough to the English Channel and split the allied forces.
In the game you control either the German or the U.S. and British forces.
You play using cards that represent the brigades, regiments and battalions which fought in the battle. Each unit is rated for it\’s strength in infantry, armure, artillery and cohesion.
You move and fight with the combat cards to eliminate the opponent\’s cards and achieve or thwart a strategic breakthrough.
Terrain cards represent the significant geography of the battle, such as Bastogne, Ellsborn Ridge and the Meuse River, which served to hinder or speed the German attack.
There are also Event cards that represent all the situations that arose during the battle including events such as German commandos misdirecting traffic, mass surrenders and panics, air strikes and even Patton\’s prayer for clear weather!
Principales caractéristiques:
Playable as both the U.S. and German sides vs. IA.
Play the full map or the North or South individually.
Randomised or Predefined game setup.
– 300 cards featuring units, terrain and events.
Authentic WW2 images.
– Temps & terrain effects.
Supply lines, cohesion checks and town encirclement.
Faithful recreation of the original card game.
Full game rules included.

To Download Nuts!: The Battle of the Bulge For PC,les utilisateurs doivent installer un émulateur Android comme le lecteur MuMu. Avec le lecteur MuMu,you can Download Nuts!: The Battle of the Bulge for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 et ordinateur portable.

How to Play Nuts!: The Battle of the Bulge on PC,Portable,les fenêtres

1.Téléchargez et installez l'émulateur Android MuMu Player.Cliquez "Télécharger Mumu Player" Télécharger.

2.Exécutez l'émulateur Android MuMu Player et connectez-vous au Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search Nuts!: The Battle of the Bulge and Download,

Ou Importez le fichier apk de votre PC dans Mumu Player pour l'installer.

4.Install Nuts!: The Battle of the Bulge for PC.Now you can play Nuts!: The Battle of the Bulge on PC.Have fun!