Hotel Silence


What if you woke up in a hotel with your mouth sewn, and your connection to the worldit the only contact on the phone?
This main hero in the game is asking this question himself in a grim history of the hotel, \”Silence.\
Help him to get out of this nightmare and find out the causes of what is happening!
The plot is nonlinear and your every action affects the main story!
Choose carefully: death lurks around every corner.
Total immersion: the interface and the behavior of the hero will penetrate the atmosphere of the terror.
Music will enhance the dramatic situations.
Repeat the story: go through it again and again, learning more about the hero and the secrets hidden behind the events at the hotel \Silence\”.

To Download Hotel Silence For PC,les utilisateurs doivent installer un émulateur Android comme le lecteur MuMu. Avec le lecteur MuMu,you can Download Hotel Silence for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 et ordinateur portable.

How to Play Hotel Silence on PC,Portable,les fenêtres

1.Téléchargez et installez l'émulateur Android MuMu Player.Cliquez "Télécharger Mumu Player" Télécharger.

2.Exécutez l'émulateur Android MuMu Player et connectez-vous au Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search Hotel Silence and Download,

Ou Importez le fichier apk de votre PC dans Mumu Player pour l'installer.

4.Install Hotel Silence for PC.Now you can play Hotel Silence on PC.Have fun!