Man ON Wire


After months of development, we are ready to introduce you to our new game of its kind, \”Man ON Wire\”.
We tried to make for you an interesting and at the same time not challenging gameplay. We have tried to make you feel comfortable to play like sitting at a desk or shrouded in a blanket, and then when you shake on our roads. For raznobraziya we did 3 locations:
– Megapolis.
Highway (Highway Car)
In the game there are so called, achivki that will complicate or vice versa will facilitate your game. But each of achivok,
It acts just 10 Sekunden, but during that time you will have to sweat. Achivki drop of 3 Stücke, and to obtain the following
you have to use all the previous ones.
The game also has a customization to get a new character, you need to get a certain number of points
Good luck in the game)

To Download Man ON Wire For PC,Benutzer müssen einen Android-Emulator wie den MuMu-Player installieren. Mit dem MuMu-Player,you can Download Man ON Wire for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 und Notebook.

How to Play Man ON Wire on PC,Laptop,Windows

1.Laden Sie den MuMu Player Android Emulator herunter und installieren Sie ihn. Klicken Sie "Laden Sie den Mumu-Player herunter" herunterladen.

2.Führen Sie den MuMu Player Android Emulator aus und melden Sie sich im Google Play Store an.

3.Open Google Play Store and search Man ON Wire and Download,

Oder importieren Sie die apk-Datei von Ihrem PC in Mumu Player, um sie zu installieren.

4.Install Man ON Wire for PC.Now you can play Man ON Wire on PC.Have fun!