WU CM Weather Provider


This application is a plugin for CyanogenMod\’s weather api\’s, providing real time weather data for any listeners from Weather Underground. It requires at least API level 5 or higher in the CyanogenMod build you\’re running.
Keyword: cyanogenmodweatherprovider

To Download WU CM Weather Provider For PC,gebruikers moeten een Android-emulator zoals MuMu-speler installeren. Met MuMu-speler,you can Download WU CM Weather Provider for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 en laptop.

How to Play WU CM Weather Provider on PC,laptop,ramen

1.Download en installeer MuMu Player Android Emulator.Klik op "Mumu Player downloaden" downloaden.

2.Voer MuMu Player Android Emulator uit en log in op Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search WU CM Weather Provider and Download,

Of importeer het apk-bestand van uw pc in Mumu Player om het te installeren.

4.Install WU CM Weather Provider for PC.Now you can play WU CM Weather Provider on PC.Have fun!