Label: administrators

Tik 2 Lock

Tik 2 Lock

Tik 2 Lock is a tool that allows to lock phone screen with double tap.How to use?---------------------1) Use ON \\ OFF button to enable\\disable screen lock2) Met \"Only on home screen\" feature you can enable screen lock only on device home screen3) Met \"Only screen center\" feature you can enable double tap only ...


Binden – Mobiel levenspatroon

Binden – Mobiel levenspatroon

※ If you can\'t delete the app, ga naar Instellingen uitschakelen > ( Algemeen ) > Veiligheid > Telefoon beheerders (Apparaat beheerders) en deselecteer UBhind. Nu kunt u deze verwijderen in Applicatiebeheerder. Hoeveel tijd besteedt u per dag aan uw smartphone?You would be surprised even if you didn\'t think of ...


Off Screen (press Power)

Off Screen (press Power)

- Turn screen off with only one touch- Geen analyse, advertenties- Tiny size- Extend the lifespan of physical power buttonUninstall:Go to Setting -> Security -> Device administrators -> uncheck \"Off Screen\" , now you can uninstall it.