Personal Shopping Assistant (Inedito)


Your personal shopping assistant automatically remembers all the products you shop for on the web, in your apps and in the store. Save your favorites to your boards and get automatic price change notifications. Compare products across sellers on your phone, tablet and PC. Find other places to buy, share with others and more.
Automatically remembers products you browse inside the browser and shopping Apps
Stores price, immagine, reviews and ratings automatically for products you browse
Get automatic price change notifications for products and always get the best price
Find other places to buy products you browse and save money
Organize products you like into convenient boards, share with others
Get all your shopping across phone, tavoletta, PC and Mac in one place, automaticamente

To Download Personal Shopping Assistant (Inedito) Per PC,gli utenti devono installare un emulatore Android come il lettore MuMu. Con il lettore MuMu,you can Download Personal Shopping Assistant (Inedito) per la versione PC su Windows 7,8,10 e computer portatile.

How to Play Personal Shopping Assistant (Inedito) su PC,Computer portatile,finestre

1.Scarica e installa l'emulatore Android MuMu Player. Fai clic "Scarica Mumu Player" scaricare.

2.Esegui l'emulatore Android MuMu Player e accedi a Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search Personal Shopping Assistant (Inedito) e Scarica,

Oppure importa il file apk dal tuo PC in Mumu Player per installarlo.

4.Install Personal Shopping Assistant (Inedito) for PC.Now you can play Personal Shopping Assistant (Inedito) su PC. Divertiti!