

The easiest way to keep track of household expensesjust take photos of cash receipts from stores, and the application recognizes FinPix for you basic information: provide goods, their value, quantity, le prix, date of purchase, et plus. You will only need to check, si nécessaire, correct budgetary expenditures, and click \approve.\If the check is very long and contains many items – aucun problème, just need to shoot a few photos, and connect them to the application. Expenses without vouchers also not be left without attention, they can make by hand.
The application itself will not FinPix sends checksrecognition comes directly from your phone or tablet, including information about your expenses are only yours.
Main features of the application:
Addition costs photographs cash receipts or manually (recognition of photographs in the current version only works for the Russian language);
Use categories and subcategories for classifying expenses. For convenience, you can tune to what categories are individual products, while FinPix will determine the category for familiar products automatically;
Note the costs in any currency ISO 4217, automatic recalculation of values ​​in different currencies at the date of consumption (required courses are downloaded from the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation);
Analysis of the structure and dynamics of the cost of the relevant diagrams;
View a list of expenses that can filter by category and period, a text search on goods and shops;
Export master data application file xlsx, import data in the same format that can be used for creating backups and data exchange with the joint jurisdiction of the family budget by several members of the family;
Data in the exported file xlsx adapted for the analysis of office applications, including file once created a summary table of expenditure by category and periods;
FinPix is ​​a free application, the only paid functionality to itthe names of the goods unloaded in checks for export to xlsx (does not apply to those expenses that have been made in the application manually or imported).
Noter: The process of recognizing a check on the photographer can take a long timeup to several minutes. The duration of treatment depends on the quality of the check on the quality of the photos, as well as on the performance of the device. When running a check recognition, you can continue with the application, including pictures of other checks. The application will recognize each other\’s checks.
Start using FinPix to conduct home accounting, scan checks, and without much effort you will learn the structure of their costs. en outre, simultaneously you build your own database of prices of goods in different stores, save the information for themselves which products, how and where you bought earlier, will be able to keep track of personal inflation. Make repairs, traveling on holidaykeep detailed costs to be able to accurately plan their next time.
Des questions, suggestions and comments on the application for direct

To Download FinPix For PC,les utilisateurs doivent installer un émulateur Android comme le lecteur MuMu. Avec le lecteur MuMu,you can Download FinPix for PC version on your Windows 7,8,10 et ordinateur portable.

How to Play FinPix on PC,Portable,les fenêtres

1.Téléchargez et installez l'émulateur Android MuMu Player.Cliquez "Télécharger Mumu Player" Télécharger.

2.Exécutez l'émulateur Android MuMu Player et connectez-vous au Google Play Store.

3.Open Google Play Store and search FinPix and Download,

Ou Importez le fichier apk de votre PC dans Mumu Player pour l'installer.

4.Install FinPix for PC.Now you can play FinPix on PC.Have fun!