Schild: Hintergrund

Plain Wallpaper

Plain Wallpaper

Choose from a range of Material Design colors to set a simple and clean background for your home screen.Please note that when installed, no application icon will be created. Plain Wallpaper will appear in the list of live wallpapers in the wallpaper chooser.


Wallpapers Free 5K+ images

Wallpapers Free 5K+ images

Wallpapers connects with to deliver the best image quality possible. Kostenlos!With an average resolution of 5226x3648 (5K), the images you can set as your background will have more detail than you can think of, but no more than needed.Wallpapers uses an advanced algorithm to calculate the best size for ...


ThemeDIY für ZenUI

ThemeDIY für ZenUI

Mit Theme Maker können Sie Ihre eigenen Designs für Ihr Zenfone erstellen, das die derzeit unterstützte Themes-Funktion unterstützt : Zenfone 5/6, Zenfone 2(Alle Varianten und alle SKU)!!! KEINE WURZELN ERFORDERLICH !!!Erstmalige Build-Anpassungsfunktionen:Sie können Farben auswählen 1000 Vordefinierte Farben für den Text von+ Clock Header+ Network ...


Graby Spin – Symbolpaket

Graby Spin – Symbolpaket

Rounded version of Graby Icon PackGraby Spin Icon Pack - The shaped with gradient colored background icon pack for android customization with lots of cloud base and long time support.Please to Help, Remember Rating 5 Stars and Review.Features;#Long Time Support and Biweekly/Monthly Update# 1.850 + High Quality Vector ...


Jio wallpaper

Jio wallpaper

100% HD wallpapr Daily updates new wallpaperMinimalFacetsMatarialcelebritiesLogoNational flagsGamesLovePokémon GOsuper heromore..Complement your screen with exclusive backgrounds and awesome wallpaper images for your Android device. Each picture is a real masterpiece that can\'t be found anywhere else - simply swipe ...


Arcade Daze 2

Arcade Daze 2

Icon pack based on icons created by Gedeon Maheux ©2015 The Iconfactory, Inc.Built on \"Iconshowcase\" by Jahir Fiquitiva ( order to apply the iconpack,1) install Nova, ADW, Apex, GEHEN, Next or similar Launcher programs2) Open \"Arcade Daze 2\"3) Enter Menu ...


Reveal for KLWP

Reveal for KLWP

Reveal is a preset for KLWP that focuses on letting your wallpaper shine in a special way. By limiting the wallpaper to only show through the apps icons or widgets, you get a completely new way of customizing your homescreen.NOTE: might require some tweaking on your end, as the different app-icons might not be set to ...


Papuh Walls

Papuh Walls

Papuh Walls is a cloud based wallpaper app. It was created by Alex Cruz with open source libraries and contributions via the Open Source community. All wallpapers included were either contributed by someone in the Android community, created by Alex Cruz, or are covered under the Creative Commons license, which means ...


Material Weather for KLWP

Material Weather for KLWP

Material Weather live wallpaper skin for Kustom Live Wallpaper.ATTENTIONThis is not a standalone app, it is a theme for KUSTOM live wallpaper. You need to have KUSTOM KLWP PRO key to use it.Remember!This wall needs to have location and weather in KLWP working in order to fully animate and show weather. So check ...