Schild: Zeitraum

TodaitSmart study planner

Todait – Smart study planner

Todait is an authentic study planner to help you utilize 100% of your time and ace your exams. Todait is especially useful for students who need help with productivity and effective time management. Use it to prepare for the ACTs, AP Exams, ASVAB, PSAT/NMSQT, SA, ISEE, SHSAT, SSAT, GED, TOEFL, DAT, GMAT, GRE, LSAT, ...


DinoOps kostenlos

DinoOps kostenlos

Willkommen bei DinoOps, Anfänger!Hier bringen wir Ihnen bei, während der Jurazeit zu überleben. Munition und eine neue Waffe zu kaufen, Bereiten Sie Ihre Körperpanzerung vor und bereiten Sie sich auf den Kampf vor!Hüten Sie sich vor den Dinosauriern! Jede Dinosaurierart hat ihre eigenen Eigenschaften!Bereiten Sie sich auf die Aufgaben vor, die Sie der Regierung übertragen würden. Seien Sie immer wachsam, ...


LoveCycles Period Tracker

LoveCycles Period Tracker

LoveCycles is an easy and fun to use period tracker (menstrual cycle calendar). Use LoveCycles calendar to track your periods, related symptoms, mood swings and your overall health.★ FEATURES ★- Period / menstrual phases in intuitive color codes- Automatic and accurate prediction of fertility- Tweak menstrual cycle ...




Finden, schaffen, und lernen Sie SMART FLASHCARDS auf jedem Gerät. VERDOPPELN Sie Ihre Lerngeschwindigkeit mit dem effektivsten Lernsystem der Welt. Keep all your content in sync across Brainscape\'s website and your Android devices.How Brainscape helps you learn fasterBrainscape\'s flash card app works by personalizing the TIMING ...


Classical Radio

Classical Radio offers 40 channels of curated classical music ranging from the Medieval Period to contemporary performances by todays brightest artists and composers. Our channel selection includes curated selections from the world\'s most renowned composers, a variety of classical periods, favorite instrumentals, ...


Good Night's Sleep Alarm

Good Night's Sleep Alarm

Enjoy a refreshing sleep and a comfortable awakening!This application will gently awaken you at the right time.■Wake up refreshed every morning!■★Analyze your REM and non-REM sleep using the accelerometer!★REM sleep is generally classified as the period of light sleep, while non-REM sleep is the period of heavy ...


Point Blank Mobile (Unveröffentlicht)

Point Blank Mobile (Unveröffentlicht)

**Currently we are in the Close Beta period. To make our Point Blank Mobile have the best experience to play, please feel free to share us your opinion about the game and report all the problem (bug) that you found in the game. Your feedback will be great for developing a better Point Blank Mobile to release in Open ...




NOW with Amazing VIDEO mode!This is not another boring weather forecast app ;)!#1 Weather app in USA, Japan, China, Vereinigtes Königreich, Brasilien, Italy and other 100 countriesDownloaded over 17\'000\'000 times!- ”If you want to take your Instagram photos to another level, this just might be the perfect application for you.” ...