Schild: Charlie

Freude am Einrad

Freude am Einrad

Willst du der größte Komiker aller Zeiten sein?, Charlie Chaplin? Do you wanna control your monocycle and compete with your friends to see whose show\'s gonna last longer? Begleiten Sie uns mit dieser Antiquität, Lustiges Spiel, das Sie nie missen möchten. • Retro-Kunststil • Neues und kreatives Gameplay • Humorvoller und lustiger Charakter


My Talking Dog 2 – Virtual Pet

My Talking Dog 2 – Virtual Pet

Adopt talking puppy Charlie & get a talking friend for life! Discover why this my virtual pet game is special in so many ways! My Talking Dog 2 - Virtual Pet, aka Charlie II is the heir of My Talking Dog - Virtual Pet who has over 10 million followers and he is here to reign the world of talking animals with you! ...


Charlie The Roach

Charlie The Roach

You are Charlie The Roach. A wise crackin\', not too bright, old timer. On his way to find something to eat just after being abruptly awaken during a good dream, Charlie is confronted with the ultimate opportunity of rescue and adventure. All of his friends have been captured and locked away in roach motels. You must ...


Charlie The Roach

Charlie The Roach

You are Charlie The Roach. A wise crackin\', not too bright, old timer. On his way to find something to eat just after being abruptly awaken during a good dream, Charlie is confronted with the ultimate opportunity of rescue and adventure. All of his friends have been captured and locked away in roach motels. You must ...